Our Team
Left to Right: Allison Sims, Alex O'Neal, Ragen Brotherson, Blake Becker
Allison Sims
I am responsible for the operations and oversight of the organization. I have a passion for Supply Chain Management and love sharing that with other students.
Alex O'Neal
VP of Funds
I am responsible for the organizations' finances. I make sure to provide SCMA with sound financials while also maintaining a current budget.
Blake Becker
VP of Business Relations and Secretary
I am responsible for growing and maintaining the organizations' relationship with businesses in the Supply Chain field as well as within the community.
I am also responsible for ensuring that meetings are effectively organized and minuted. I also maintain effective records and administration.
Ragen Brotherson
VP of Public Relations
I am responsible for keeping all of our social media relevant and up to date. I also help to make sure SCMA is not only a growing student organization, but that every member feels included and committed to this organization.