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About Us


Who We Are

The UNI Supply Chain Management Association provides students with outstanding experiences and development opportunities beyond the classroom. You've heard it before, "Get involved...Be Active...Become a Leader." Here's your chance! Become a leader, show off your talents to professionals, and be a part of not just a club, but an association that values your interests.

Networking Opportunities

Being a member in SCMA is an incredible networking opportunity.  You will be able to jumpstart your career by developing relationships with peers, alumni, local companies, and leaders in the supply chain industry. Set yourself apart from the crowd with SCMA! 

Community Involvement

As a member, you are given the chance to volunteer in service projects around the Cedar Valley. SCMA makes a trip to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank each semester to help package meals for those in need. We also support UNI Hardwoods where we spend a Saturday planting thousands of trees to improve the environment. More volunteering opportunities are added

each year!

The Supply Chain Experience

SCMA will provide you with the opportunity to experience real world applications of supply chain management. Through exposure to leading industry practices and business professionals, you will be given exceptional opportunity to enhance your knowledge and become a leader.

Get Recruited

Members are given a unique opportunity to be recruited by top companies in the supply chain industry. Many companies will contact our organization about internships and full-time opportunities. Members’ resumes are sent to the companies which partners with our organization so students can connect with them and put a face with their resume.


Social Events

We support fun activities all year long - grill outs, United Way Olympics, Homecoming, Applebees  1/2 price apps after meetings, and many more! You have the opportunity to go on a week long trip to the Panama Canal during Spring Break. SCMA is a great way to invest in yourself while having fun!

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