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2018 Denver Case Competition

In early February a team of four students traveled to the Denver, Colorado Operation Stimulus Case Competition to proudly represent UNI. Nineteen teams were given a case in which th​​​​​​​​​​​​ey had to find the optimal route to transport four different products from China to Ohio. The morning after presenting their solution, the teams faced a "twist" in which one leg of the supply chain was compromised. Teams were to asses the impact on the supply chain and possibly re-route their previous solutions. The team from UNI placed 3rd!


2018 John Deere Supply Chain Forum

The UNIBusiness-John Deere Supply Chain Forum is an industry-academic partnership, designed to give supply chain professionals and UNI faculty and students an opportunity to join together to share industry best practices and network, while showcasing the talent within the UNI Supply Chain and Operations Management program. The theme for this years event was Data Analytics. Kent Miller from John Deere was the keynote speaker and there was a panel of professionals from CRST, CH Robinson, Rockfarm, and Rockwell Collins. 

2018 GM/Wayne State Case Competition

SCMA sent a team of four students to Detroit in October to compete in the GM/Wayne State Supply Chain Case Competition against 23 other Universities. Their case required the utilization of analytics and risk management strategies to source components for GM's new line of trucks. While they were in Detroit, they had the opportunity to network with numerous supply chain professionals, students from other Universities, and even UNI alumni. Of the 23 other teams, there was four international teams from Brazil, Mexico, Taiwan and China.


2019 Denver Case Competition

SCMA sent a team of four students to Denver in January to compete in the Operation Stimulus Case competition against 15 other universities. Their case required them to utilize class room experience and group collaboration to make strategic business decisions for a solar panel company. While in Denver, the team was able to network with other business professionals and gain valuable experience for the future. The team placed 3rd at this competition! 

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